Tullstorp rider Jessie wins 7 competitions
and all young horses are qualified for Falsterbo
Tullstorp rider Jessie Johansson has been competing some young horses the last two months.
Jessie has been competing three 6-year olds and a 7-year old. All 6-year olds are directly qualified for Falsterbo
and in total Jessie had 7 victories and 2 placements.
With Zanka Söholm (Blue Hors Zack x Solos Landwind) she won first in Skabersjö in April with 83,4%
and then again in Laholm late April with 89,8% with the scores 9,2 – 8 – 9,4 – 8,8 – 9,5.
With Valentino (Vitalis x Don Frederico) Jessie competed in Laholm in the beginning of April. The combination was placed 2nd (winner was Jessie & Zanka) with 83,6%.
They competed again in the beginning of May in Klippan and won with 80,2%.
With the third 6-year old Dalton de Prepinson (Don Juan de Hus x Soliman de Hus), Jessie was placed 5th in Laholm in April with 79%. This was their first competition together since Dalton arrived at Tullstorp.
They competed again in May in Willands and won with 87,8%.
Jessie also competed the 8-year old Luuk (Gunner KS x Vivaldi) in a Prix S.t Georges
in Willands in May and won with 69,216%.
Jessie even made a double victory with her own 7-year old mare Flow (Mr Vain GJ x Figaro R)
and is ready for Falsterbo with her as well.