ELMIA | Marina & Quartermain win the final for 7 year old

ELMIA | Jan & RayMore win the final for 6 year old

ELMIA | Marina & Fireball Macohl win the final for 5 year old

ELMIA | Ida-Linn & Dragon Welt win the final for 4 year old

BREEDERS TROPHY | Ida-Linn & Eclectisch 2nd in the final for 7 year old

BREEDERS TROPHY | Jan & RayMore 2nd in the final for 6 year old

BREEDERS TROPHY | Victory for Ida-Linn & 4 year old Dragon Welt with 93,6%

OLYMPICS | Bronze team medal to former Tullstorp stallion Roosevelt & Allison

YOUNG HORSE CHAMPIONSHIP | Ida-Linn & Eclectisch in the final

FALSTERBO | Mathilde & Deela Mae 2nd in the U25 Grand Prix

FALSTERBO | Jan & RayMore 2nd in the Scand. Open final for 6 year old

EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP | U25 team bronze medal for Marina & Mathilde

SWEDISH CHAMPIONSHIP | YR silver medal for Emma & Santo Domingo

SWEDISH CHAMPIONSHIP | U25 bronze medal for Mathilde & Deela Mae

SWEDISH CHAMPIONSHIP | U25 gold medal for Marina & Beckham

YR NATIONS CUP | Emma & Santo Domingo victory individually and team

JOOSLAND | International YR victory for Emma & Santo Domingo