It was a full house at Gothenburg Horse Show
when Briar entered the arena on Saturday evening
Jan Brink’s long-time friend and companion at the international dressage arenas, Briar,
has been selected to enter the Hall of Fame at Scandinavium, Gothenburg Horse Show.
Two horses, two riders and one person that has meant something special to the show were selected to the Hall of Fame.
On Saturday evening in between the World Cup competitions, delegates for the horses and riders were called into the arena to receive the honourable place at the Hall of Fame with flowers and the cheer and applauds from the great crowd.
What the audience did not expect was the entrance of Briar himself!
Called in last to the arena were the delegates of Briar, rider Jan Brink and former sponsor Åke Björsell.
When they stood at the podium, all lights were turned on the stable entrance and
out came a very happy and alert Briar with his breeder and owner Hans-Yngve Göransson.
The crowd was surprised and amazed to the see this 29-year old stallion in great shape and with such an energy, entering the stage as so many times before as if he owns the place. And what a great reunion between a horse
and his long-time partner and rider Jan Brink, such a recognition and love.
Briar left the arena to a full house of standing ovations, whistling and cheering. What a way to remember such an amazing long-time athlete and his great achievements during 11 years of competing at the highest level of the sport.
Truly a memorable horse that goes to history!