Tullstorp students competed in all classes from 4-year olds to CDI3* Grand Prix with great success
The great outdoor competition of the year in Sweden, Falsterbo Horse Show, has come to an end for this year.
A number of riders from Tullstorp competed in all classes from 4 year old up to the CDI3* Grand Prix and that with great success.
4 year old:
Johan Svensson from Hannell Dressage competed the horse Kai van Wittenstein P by Dream Boy – Florencio. In the qualifying competition on Wednesday, they were placed 3rd with 85,2%. In the final on Friday, they ended up 2nd with 85%.
5 year old:
In the semi-final on Monday, the Danish student Anna Zibrandtsen was placed 3rd on the horse Lumière by Floricello – Gigolo with 80,067%. They won the final on Thursday with 83,2%.
6 year old:
The semi-final was held on Tuesday. Johan competed the other horse Buster by Belissimo M – Sir Donnerhall and was placed 7th with 77,333%.
7 year old:
In the qualifying competition on Thursday, Marina Mattsson from Hannell Dressage was placed 4th on the horse Feel Good by Fürstenball – Friedensfürst with 77,717%. Placed 6th in the class was Anna Zibrandtsen on the other horse Valentin by Dalwhinnie – Regazzoni with 75,661%. In the final on Saturday, Anna & Valentin stepped up to a 3rd placement with 76,329%. Close by was Marina & Feel Good on a 4th placement with 76,143%.
CDI3* Grand Prix:
In the Grand Prix on Friday, the Tullstorp rider Ida-Linn Lundholm & Dan Brown by Dancier – Hohenstein were placed 4th with 69,304%. When in the Kür final on Saturday, they rode to Jan & Briar’s old kür music and were rewarded with 74,510% and a 3rd placement. Ida-Linn & Dan Brown were thereby even the best Swedish combination.
Mini-clinic prior to the GP Special:
Jan Brink did a “mini-clinic” on Sunday morning prior to the Grand Prix Special. Jan talked to the audience and SVT about the Grand Prix Special and the difficulties in the test. Then Ida-Linn & Dan Brown rode the test as a ginuea pig and Jan commented throughout the test to increase the knowledge and interest of dressage for the audience. It was very appreciated and the audience were also able to judge themselves during the test.