– stable manager

Josefine is under education to be the upcoming stable manager at Tullstorp. With three stables and around 36 horses to take care of, she will be the key person managing and leading the team here at Tullstorp. The goal is to know every little detail that needs to be done in the stables, what each horse prefers for dinner and which horses that are in turn to withdraw to their paddocks. Even stable cats and dogs are most welcome and she takes care of all animals with a great sense of responsibility and much love.

When at her desk in the office, she will also be handling schedules of farriers, dentists, visits at the veterinary etc. Greeting interns and organising with their supervisors are other parts of Josefine’s area of work – luckily Josefine is great at allocating and delegating, a very important quality for a manager.

In addition to all of her tasks as a stable manager, Josefine will also be working as the main groom preparing all the horses for Jan Brink.

When walking through the stables, Josefine will always meet you with a big smile and a positive comment. She laughs easily and with her lovely Gotlandic dialect you always walk away with a smile on your lips after chatting with her. She sees everything from a wonderfully positive side, focused on solutions instead of problems and has a certain positive humbleness towards life in general that rubs off on her surroundings.