The 4 year old horses qualified for Falsterbo and Elmia
Today a number of 4 year old competed at Flyinge to among others qualify for Falsterbo and Elmia.
Today’s winner was the Tullstorp owned Epic by Escolar – Fürst Heinrich with 81,6% with Tullstorp rider Karolin Sjöland in the saddle. This was the first competition for them as a combination and they started out with a victory and are thereby already qualified for Falsterbo.
2nd in the test was the Tullstorp student Johan Svensson & Kai van Wittenstein P by Dream Boy – Florencio from Hannell Dressage with 81,4% and only 0,2% from Epic. It was the first test even for this combination and they are also qualified for Falsterbo.